Unlimited possible

Frequently Asked Qutsions

For MM fiber Typical lose is 0.01 dB, for SM Fiber Typical Lose 0.02 dB

Normally, electrodes lifetime is 3000-4000 splices, also you have spare electrodes with the package.

For NY-90S, 7 seconds for splicing, 9 Seconds for heating, and for NY-A7, 9 seconds for splicing, 21 seconds for heating, and all can be according to sleeve size and material.

ALOYK fusion Splicer can splice all types of single core fiber optics cables, using PAS core to core alignment system.

For Our OTDR, NY-9000 super OTDR, it can automatically generate reports including, General information (Project details, Time and date, Splicer name), Link information (start point, End point, cable type, fiber ID, cable parameters), Test information ( wavelengths, Pulse width, duration) and test results ( link length, event table, connector lose, total lose, attenuation, pass/Fail).

Yes, NY-9000 super OTDR will export tow types of reports automatically, source file and pdf file.